
Preise der Baukultur

Preis für realisierte Projekte

IOC IPC IAKS Architecture Prizes for sustainable, accessible and innovative sports and leisure facilities

Thema Architektur
Reichweite international
Art des Preises Preis für realisierte Projekte
Dotierung IOC IPC IAKS Architecture Prize
Verfahren offen
Zulassung Entitled to enter the 2023 competition are newly built facilities as well as expansions, modernizations, rehabilitations or conversions of existing buildings and facilities. The facilities must have been completed and gone into operation between 1 January 2018 and 31 December 2022. Temporary venue infrastructure / architecture (e.g. demountable or relocatable infrastructure for major sport events) may also be entered in the competition.
Gründungsjahr 1987
Intervall alle zwei Jahre
Jury International Jury composed of personalities from the IOC, the IPC and the IAKS.
Auslober IAKS Internationale Vereinigung Sport- und Freizeiteinrichtungen e.V.
IOC International Olympic Committee
IPC International Paralympic Committee
Kontakt IAKS Internationale Vereinigung Sport- und Freizeiteinrichtungen e.V.
Eupener Str. 70
50933 Köln
Tel. 0221-16 80 23-0
Ansprechpartner/in Klaus Meinel, Generalsekretär

Identifying and promoting trends for transforming communities and urban areas into places of active living as well as building sustainable facilities is at the core of this international competition.

The competition aims at increasing the accessibility of all sports and leisure facilities and architectural structures in order to offer all people opportunities to practise and view sport freely and without barriers.

As part of their commitment to excellence, the three organizations are inviting submissions for the 2023 IOC IPC IAKS Architecture Prizes for sustainable, accessible and innovative sports and leisure facilities.

The competition brings to public attention buildings and complexes that integrate:

sensible sustainability and public value,
exemplary accessibility and universal design,
strong functional planning and innovation,
exceptional architectural design.

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