The real politics of envy isn't about wealth: it's about the city we wish we had

© Bundesstiftung Baukultur
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Elizabeth Farelly bezieht sich in der australischen Tagespresse auf einen Vortrag von Reiner Nagel, den er an der Universität New South Wales gehalten hat:

"Nagel runs Baukultur – a federal, government-funded foundation intended to make German cities liveable: smart, stylish, sustainable, socially diverse, well-crafted, economically vibrant. Of course, we all say that. Any number of government reports, whathaveyou. But they do it. Like, actually."

Elizabeth Farelly, Redakteurin: The real politics of envy isn't about wealth: it's about the city we wish we had. In: [24.03.2017] zuletzt geprüft: 18. Juli 2017, 15:20.

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